of the two worlds

So, just wanted to explain the previous post. As it turned out, I was just stuck in a world and it went bad.

I use a concept of 2 worlds: The one where we live in (reality), and the world where we Think we live in (personal reality). Maybe it is right and maybe it is wrong, but surely there is some point in it.

Thinking creates a new world in our minds and we have to choose, weather we are in the real world or in our heads. Because (here’s the tricky part) you can not be entirely in two places at the same time. For example if you think hard you do not notice everything that’s going on around you – and vice versa.

Here is a example of how the world in our head is not synchronized with the reality:

you are at a party, having a nice time, lots of booze and you try to stay in the conversation, but the booze kicks in and slows your mind. So you are constantly off and behind the topic.
Friend 1: “Did you know that Lucy finished the business school last week?”

Friend 2:”Well that’s really great. She was working really hard for it.”

Friend 3:”Her parents must be proud.”

Friend 4: “She will like totally get a better job now.”

YOU:”Yes..Elephants. Are. Big.”

… awkward silence …

Sounds familiar?

The thing we often do is that we take our thoughts as real as the real world.  We say things like “I know you cheated on me! I know you did!”

Do you really? Were you there? Did you see it? Were you hiding in the closet and watching? You perv!

Or do you just think you know? In that case you should say something like:  “I think that you cheated on me, but I do not know for sure. It’s just a thought in my mind. And my mind is like a totally different dimension. It is not reality. So I am asking you –just to be sure -if you did it or not.”

And if she was here now, she would say “But I have proof!”

Of course you do. When we are sure about something, we will always find proof for it. This is called programming: we just set a filter to see things how we want to see them.  A neurotic person does not search for a cure, but for affirmation to his or her neurosis – that’s just how it is. If you are angry, you will find more and more things that make you angry. If you are happy, you can be happy about everything.

But how do you know if you are in reality? Well, if you try to notice everything with your senses and you have no thoughts in your mind and you do not judge the things you notice but just accept everything as it is -then you are surely in the real world. You are here and now. This also includes behaving from impulses. And you can even have really meaningful conversations in that state. Just accept whatever comes to your mind at that time and moment, do not process it and go with the flow - and for a lot of people that is a scary ting to do. You might easily do something that you will regret later. But lets be honest, if it happened you were at least honest with yourself at that moment - is that really regrettable or more like something to accept as a interesting event in your life, where you had courage ( and stupidity :P ) to do what you really wanted to do.

I'm not saying that "Do not think!". Personal reality is important too. It gives us the possibility to focus on projects (personal ones or work related). And of course thinking helps us to solve problems.

However not as often as we like to think that it does. How many times have you been awake in the night because you had to think? Does it Really solve problems if you do not rest and instead you remind your problems to yourself all over again for several hours? Thinking does not solve anything, doing does. But having a programmed filter for your thoughts can be really useful when you are doing stuff.

The thing is that both worlds are important, but you have to balance them out and be ready to run to the other world if the one you are in turns too intensive. You have to rest time to time from being in the world and you can do it only by going to the other world. If the thoughts you have do not support you, just shut them down ... do not think. Just be. and Voila you are in reality. If you have too many sounds from the real world, just dig into your thoughts  ... and the noise will not disturb you so much.

And how is it all related to my previous blog post? Well I had for a while a time of  really intensive work and concentration on thinking process ... So I processed everything, and it is difficult to accept human stupidity when you try to find logic and make sense in everything. And that just pissed me off ... a lot.

So when I figured it out, that I was not angry because of reality but because my personal reality (the world is not stupid, it just is as it is, but my mind saw it as stupid at that made me angry about the world  ... which is almost "I felt bad, because I wanted to feel bad") I just took my time and forced myself to the other world as much as possible.

And Heureka!

It worked!

In half an hour already I was surely less stressed.

This concept is quite clear in my mind, but it is maybe not so easy to explain it. So hope it was not too complex and insane and that maybe you got some ideas from it.


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