On boredom and doing stuff

"Many people feel that their lives are empty when in fact they are merely bored and blocked from doing what would eliminate their boredom. Boredom is, though, a condition that can be rather easily tackled, so let us turn to its remedy. 

In the experiment on concentration we saw that boredom results when deliberate attention is paid to something uninteresting and resolutely withheld from what would fire one’s interest and allow spontaneous formation of the figure/ground. Nature’s remedy is fatigue, the tendency to fall asleep or go into a trance where, once the deliberateness is relaxed, spontaneous interests can come to the fore as fantasies. If you will accept this as a natural process instead of fighting it, you can use the fantasies as a means of recognizing what it is that you would like to be doing. 

This is very simple when you are alone. Just close your eyes and permit a bit of dreaming. This will frequently precipitate a clear notion of what you want to do. In the company of others — where there are considerations of duty, keeping up appearances, trying not to hurt people’s feelings, fooling the boss, and so on — the situation is harder to handle. Even so, to admit to yourself that you are not interested may help you to find points of interest, if you cannot escape. 
But situations that chronically bore you, you must either modify or abandon."

Perls, Frederick S. ; Hefferline, Ralph; Goodman, Paul (2011-05-19). Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality (pp. 347-348). The Gestalt Journal Press. Kindle Edition.

That explains well why I write the best when I am tired or sick. I have no deliberateness then, I just do what comes naturally. I just let it flow as it all wants to flow.


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