Ninapidi digiraamatus

Viimastel nädalatel on mind tihti nähtud nina telefonis. Aga ei, ma ei loe enamasti nii kärsaraamatut, ega vaata pilte vaid sukeldun mõtisklusse inimpsühholoogiast. Tegemist siis Fritz Perlsi esimese kirjatööga, millest sai alguse ka Gestalt teraapia. Lugedes tasub mudugi meeles pidada et selle esmatrükk oli aastal 1942 ning hilisemates trükkides ei ole väga suuri muudatusi tehtud, hoides ka selle ajaloolist väärtust. Perls, kes oli sakslane, ise alles õppis inglise keelt sel ajal kui ta seda kirjutas.Samuti oli sel ajal psühholoogias põhisuunaks ikkagi Freudi teooria.
Siin mõned nopped.

"Many people have developed hardly any other Ego functions than those of resistance, be it against their own impulses, or against demands made on them. They aim at developing a strong Ego, a character full of “willpower.” To them an efficient personality is identical with a “strong” character — one able to suppress smoking, sex impulses, hunger and so forth.

If one deprives them of these resisting and domineering functions, there is nothing left in which they are interested. They have never learned how to enjoy themselves, how to be aggressive, or how to love, and while their resistances are being analyzed, they become completely confused, while their identification with those vital functions has not yet been established."

Perls, Frederick (Fritz) (2011-12-11). Ego, Hunger and Aggression: A Revision of Freud's Theory and Method (p. 185). The Gestalt Journal Press. Kindle Edition.

"The importance of the subject of expression can hardly be overestimated if one bears in mind two facts:
(1) It is incorrect to speak of the repression of instincts. Instincts can never be repressed — only their expressions can be.
(2) In addition to the inhibited expression of instincts (mainly in action) every neurosis shows difficulties in expressing the “Self” (mainly in words). Expression is replaced by playacting, broadcasting, hypocrisy, self-consciousness and projecting.

Genuine expression is not deliberately created; it comes “from the heart,” but it is consciously molded. Every artist is an inventor, finding means and ways, sometimes new ways, of expressing himself. Projection is essentially an unconscious phenomenon. The projecting person cannot satisfactorily distinguish between the inside and outside world. He visualizes in the outside world those parts of his own personality with which he refuses to identify himself. The organism experiences them as being outside the Ego boundaries and reacts accordingly with aggression.[1]            
Feelings of guilt are unpleasant to bear; therefore children and adults with an insufficiently developed sense of responsibility are inclined to project any anticipated blame onto something else. A child who has hurt itself on a chair blames the “naughty” chair. A man who ruins his business may throw the responsibility onto “bad times” or “fate” — some scapegoat or another will always be at hand.

These projections of guilt have the advantage of giving temporary relief, but they deprive the personality of the Ego functions of contact, identification and responsibility."

Perls, Frederick (Fritz) (2011-12-11). Ego, Hunger and Aggression: A Revision of Freud's Theory and Method (pp. 188-189). The Gestalt Journal Press. Kindle Edition.

"Not always is it the outside world, however, which serves as a screen for projections; they can also take place within the personality. 
There are people whose stern conscience cannot be explained merely by introjection. Parents who, according to the introjection theory, reappear within the personality as conscience, may in reality be anything but stern. In one of my cases the parents had been extraordinarily sympathetic, but had killed their child’s aggression by kindness. This patient suffered from severe feelings of guilt and intense reproaches from his conscience. He had projected his aggression — his tendency to reproach — into his conscience, which he subsequently experienced as attacking him. As soon as he managed to be openly aggressive his conscience lost its grip on him, and his feelings of guilt disappeared.
An over-stern conscience can be cured only when self reproach changes into object approach.

The Russian “saints” in Soviet literature, by curbing their aggressiveness and renouncing sin, increased their feelings of guilt. On the other hand, a child may have very intolerant parents, but if it keeps up its fighting spirit and does not project its own aggression into the parents or into its conscience, it will remain healthy."

Perls, Frederick (Fritz) (2011-12-11). Ego, Hunger and Aggression: A Revision of Freud's Theory and Method (pp. 190-191). The Gestalt Journal Press. Kindle Edition.

"Projections are, in the strictest sense, hallucinations. The little boy’s nightmare is such a projective hallucination, which in genuine paranoia is a central symptom. Where enough sense of reality remains, the hallucinations are rationalized; we may then speak of a paranoid character. Typical of it is the looking for “points,” for reality which may serve as proof to the paranoid that he is not hallucinating. The morbidly jealous husband, for instance, will lie in wait and try to trap his wife in order to discover whether she smiles at anyone else; and if this happens, he interprets her smile in accordance with his preconceived ideas of jealousy.[2]

[2] Jealousy is always due to unexpressed, projected wishes."

Perls, Frederick (Fritz) (2011-12-11). Ego, Hunger and Aggression: A Revision of Freud's Theory and Method (p. 194). The Gestalt Journal Press. Kindle Edition.

Pean tõdema et on tore lugeda. Ma olen koolis päris palju erinevate pühholoogia/teraapia suundadega kokku puutunud ning Gestalt tundub praegu kõige tervemõistuslikum ja elutervem.

Tähtsal kohal on terviklikkus (inimene kui tervik oma tunnete, mõtete ja füüsilise poolega); taust ja fookus põhimõte (korraga saab olla inimese jaoks vaid üks asi fookuses ... näiteks kui oled väga näljane, siis sa ei suuda enam muuga varsti tegeleda sest fookus läheb oma vajaduse rahuldamise peale); hetkeolukord (minevikus ja tulevikus surkimine pole alati vajalik, praegune toimimine on kõige tähtsam) ning isiklik vastutus ja areng.

Muidugi jah ma tean et ma ahmin praegu seda infot ja ei seedi kõike korralikult läbi - põnev on lihtsalt. Aga midagi jääb ikka pidama ja kunagi kindlasti loeb seda veel.


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