An important letter

Dear You,

Don’t try to cook that new complicated dish on the night your friends come around for dinner. You might screw it up, it might look wrong and taste like ass. You’d end up looking stupid.

Also, while we’re on the subject, don’t sign up to that language class you’ve thought about learning. What if you were asked a question by the teacher and you stumbled and got it wrong… In front of EVERYONE. Ugh, don’t do that class, you’d definitely look stupid.

You know that person you met briefly and got on so well with and knew you’d be excellent friends? Take my advice and don’t try to reach out to them to hang out more or get to know them better. What if the feelings weren’t mutual? Yikes! On a scale of one to cringe, that is MegaCringe Man & his sidekick I’m-with-stoopid Boy.

Oh and hey, whatever you do, don’t leave this job you currently hate and take a risk on the work you’ve always longed to do. What if you weren’t any good at it? What if you were a big fat failure and it wasn’t anything like what you thought it would be? Nope, stick at what you hate. At least that way there’s definitely no chance of you looking stupid.

Don’t cook that new meal. Don’t learn that new language. Don’t contact that new friend. Don’t pursue that new career. Stay where you are and do what you’ve always done.

Do you have any idea what you’d be risking?

Yours sincerely,


PS: I’ll be sure to write again soon.
(from: Maria Peters)

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