On Humor, Again

Yesterday I watched Patch Adams, a Robin Williams movie, that had been in my waiting list for a really-really long time. I don't know why I did not pick it up earlier, it was good.

After the movie I checked out the real Patch Adams and ended up with watching a full 2 hours lecture with him. While I have never been in a clown uniform, there was so much I could relate to, so much I believed to be true, so much that made sense. It was inspiring. Here are some thughts inspired from it.

In his opinion a lot of so called illnesses can be healed by simple but real human connection. Depression is just a feeling of deep loneliness. All you need for not being alone is a friend, one real friend. How do you know that you have a real friend? If thinking about this person makes you feel better, calms you down, fills your heart with warmth, he is a friend.
What he did not really say out is that you also need time. Without taking time to connect, there will be no connection.

 When he agrees to be your family doctor, he will have a interview with you that lasts at least 4 hours (you can only imagine how much he knows about you after that time) and after that he will come to your home and poke around in your stuff. Why? Because he believes that being a family doctor is a job for a lifetime, a deep connection and friendship for a lifetime. To have a connection you must share yourself.

Connection is one thing I have mentioned several times. I value it highly and I share it. Just as a hospital clown notices a sad person and goes to help him, so do I. True, I'm not in silly clothes and maybe I don't know what I am doing, but as soon as I see someone sad, I want to connect with him. It is nowdays even easier with te internet. I can just ping him and listen with heart full of compassion, maybe share some experience of my own. That's it. It does not have to be much, but it makes a difference and I just want to do it.

Hugging is also important. Long hugs, where you feel the following three things, are the best: I am fully giving;I am fully receiving; Damn, this is nice! Hugging is a full contact with your full body and mind. Strange to think that I have hugged so much in my life and there are some hugs that I will always remember. The hugs that made you forget space and time, where you could just go on forever, that is just two people sharing the moment.

I don't get it when people get bored during a hug or try to just get done with it, especially when there is no hurry.

Is there really something more important than human connection?


Why do I tweet but do not update comicz page a lot or even do not write regular blog posts? Not that anyone has ever asked. What has been asked is why I have so many social outputs in internet at all. I have several friends who even do not have a Facebook account (real friends not made up ... Yes THEY really do exist) and I totally understand why. So often FB is just a waste of time.

Still, back to the main question: Why oh why do I tweet?

The following story might explain it.

We had a really long ride in the bus, five bloody hours. I was listening to music and thinking random thoughts while my friend next to me tried to knit. Suddenly I got a thought that was just so random, but in a way funny - I immediately posted it to Twitter and then went back to listening music. After a few minutes my friend checked the internet on her phone and burst out laughing.

"Where the hell do you get these ideas?"  she asked.
"I have no idea, they just come up in my head," I shrugged.

 I get random ideas and thoughts, that make me smile, but that burst of laughter is the reason why I share them.

I have developed my sense of humor since I was eleven. Humor helps us to cope with life, with the darkness of it all. After almost two decades of practicing with jokes my brain already has some idea on how to find them or put them together. It is not so conscious as I would like but it definitely works. Finding the strange silly connections is almost automatic.

As the teachers used to say "Would like to share with the whole class what you are laughing about?" Well, thank you for asking. Yes. Yes I would.

Maybe the joke is funny. Maybe the person reading the joke finds it funny. Maybe he has had a really merde (pardon my French) day and this was the first time he smiled during the day? Who knows? But if I have the option to make someone smile, laugh out with tears or bring them closer to Zen enlightenment, I will do it.

Yeah, I try to make the world a better place with one smile at a time. Why not, eh?
It does not take a lot to make someone smile and it is worth it.


Often, while making a joke, there can also be a backlash - you can make a fool of yourself.

A lot of us have a fear that we don't want to seem stupid, however this risk is always there when you make fun. Humor often comes from the childish part of us that asks silly questions orhave strange ideas that do not make sense.

Consider this joke: A gecko claps only once in a lifetime and after that it is in constant "excellent" mode.

We know that geckos have no idea of what clapping is, so this is already absurd. We know from biology that if a gecko should put his hands together, they are not really glued together. So this statement is false on so many levels.

However, it is something we can imagine when we turn to our inner child. Imagine a gecko who is watching a really good show... Lets say that on telly or in theatre, laughs really hard and claps and ... Darn! Hands are glued together. Forever! Urrghh!

So, a person reading this sentence might think that it is funny, but he might also think that it is false and, as I am the one sharing this false information, I must be stupid.

Jokes are often unreal combinations of different things we notice in life, they don't have to be true, they have to be funny. Still, believe me or not, I have seen several discussions that have started from a simple joke of mine and that try to find the truth. I am always surprised by it. Why people do it? Is truth really more important than being happy? For real?

And the important question is: Can a mime rhyme?


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