This is the sad but true story of the first thinker in the world.
It was just another day -nothing special about it. At least when you are used to giant plants and gigantic lizards roaming around in your backyard. This story is from time we are aware of thanks to the old odd men with too much free time, toothbrushes and patience to rub old bones with it.
The protagonist of this story was just wandering in the woods searching for food. Because when you are a huge green dinosaur this is more-less all you do day by day. For god sake you have a bloody big body to feed.
So he was just wondering around when suddenly something happened. Something new and strange.
There was a tickling sensation in his head.
Was it something he ate?

Had the apples gone bad
or the cow-saurus’es mad?
Were the carrots evil?
Or was it a earworm or parasite?
No! Nothing so simple and logical.
A thought was being created. The first thought in the world!
And it is was a big effort.
He stopped ... or to be exact he froze in one place for several minutes, hours... days, trying to think. All the energy in his body was forwarded to the brain for the important task of creating the first thought.
It could have been a time for breakthrough. It could have been a beginning of a new species, a new era. The era of thinking dinosaur. Who would later be, by the old men with toothbrushes and fetish for bones, named Socrates-saurus.
However it is not wise to stand in one place for too long in the world full of giant green hungry predators. At least when the rocks and trees don’t look like big green dinosaurs standing in one place – in which case it would be a perfect camouflage.
And so it happened that before he even realized it, he was being consumed. And not by just someone but as it seemed by everyone in who wanted to have a simple meal. It was a whole pack.
It was already too late for him to to run and save himself. He had also failed the hiding check.
All he could do now was to think faster so he would at least have some meaning in his life – being the creator of first thought in the world.
So he steamed it up.
All the neurons in his brain were pushed to the maximum.
He didn’t care for his body anymore, all he cared was his mission.
And just a mere second before he died he, yes He not someone else, had created the first thought in the world.
Which was:
“What is the meaning of life?”
And that is how irony was born.
We as humans have come a long way, but sometimes we are not so different from the early thinkers. Yes, we are not so green, not so big and we are more used to thinking.
But time to time even we have this sensation of having to struggle for just one thought.
When thinking is painful as hell and we go around without destination making “Raaaarrrhhhhh” noises.
We call it a hangover.
And that's all from me =)
*the illustration was made with paint program on windows phone... so a drawing made more less with my fingers. Not too bad for that.
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